Nick Jaina Daytrotter Session
llustration by Johnnie Cluney
Nick Jaina and co. had the occasion to stop through Rock Island Ill. on their last tour and play a few songs at the Future Appletree Studio.
“Jaina is full of these musky moments of Sam Beam finding Jim Beam and having an alibi in something slightly more a Bridge Over Troubled Water way. He clings to his tenderness without letting it make him too red. Its a method to get to the crux of weariness, without getting too worn out by the business. His is a chilled bottle, a light fire, a calm temper that rummages through brush and the brambles to finally get into the clearing never getting too peeved, just brushing off his pant legs and pulling the burrs out of his shoelaces, throwing them onto the grass to the side. ” – Sean Moeller
Head on over and rest your browser a spell. As you can see, the caliber of writing and illustration are more than we’ve been conditioned to expect from the internet. Indeed, Daytrotter is a harbor of creative kindness and decency. Said one recently, “the cure to Pitchfork”.
featuring the live studio tracks
One Hand Washing The Other
I Know I’m Your Man
Winding Sheet