Podington Bear (now known to be Chad Crouch, and incidentally the author of this post) gave his first performance at the lovely PDXPOP! Festival just over a week ago. With little more than a couple of weeks to prepare, the initial urge to form a band was jettisoned for a fun-loving karaoke-styled Jam with P Bear-produced instrumentals and video Karaoke-styled accompaniment . It was an all-star event, with Nick Jaina, Greg Olin, Adam Shearer, Corrina Repp, Ritchie Young, Rachel Blumberg, Dave Depper, Scott Macgee, Matt Dabrowiak, PDXPOP’s own Ross Beech and others. Some snaps from the engagement thanks to Clara Ridabock:
The crash course in lightening-quick video production has since become a popular pastime. So, without further ado, I’m pleased to announce the launch of a Podington Bear Music Vidz “Channel” (which is just Vimeo-speak for a collection). View all ten (and more to come) at P Bear’s Vimeo Spot.
A few highlights from the present Vidz collection: