Author: Chad

Peter Broderick Interview

Just a few days before the release of Peter Broderick’s ambitious second proper vocal record (and matching website, to be revealed on Feb 20), Peter has taken the time to answer some questions:

In terms of the album’s title and the website to which it refers, the idea of people downloading music and missing out on images, lyrics and more is quite a generous approach. Do you have any specific hopes or aspirations for the website?
When I started this idea of the website title, there were a lot of different incarnations it took of what it could be. It was meant to be a much grander thing with interactive webstuff but at some point during the process, I became really sick of the computer. I felt almost like I’d become a professional emailer instead of a musician. Then I decided to strip it back and take it back to the root of the idea which was just to share the ideas of the songs with people in a way that all the listeners or at least almost all of the listeners will be able to access. I just hope that some people will actually go there because I’ve written a lot of text for different things. I don’t even necessarily hope that people read it all because it’s a lot of information I’m putting up there. I just hope that people take what they want from it and listen to the music in a way that feels right for them. I’m very curious to see what happens…

Read the entire interview at DIY

Meanwhile, the UK press is beginnning to weigh in with glowing reviews:

“The Oregon-born multi-instrumentalist retains that glacial stateliness here over the course of an hour with ambition and vision.” -MOJO

“It’s all unceasingly beautiful.” – Uncut

Rauelsson – “From River To Sea” Available Now

This is a compellingly mature soundtrack for a little-seen personal documentary from Susan Fink entitled From River To Sea which chronicles a turning point in in the her life and the journey to find oneself and a spiritual direction.  Similarly, for Raul Pastor Medall known as Rauelsson, the composition and recording took place at a turning point in his own life.  The results–the tenderness of the melodies, the reflective tempos and the nostalgic sonic textures–are absorbing and make for a rewarding listen without pre-programmed visual companionship.  Get it (on mp3/CD) in the HUSHshop.

Here is the solitary vocal gem on the album, also released on the free HUSH compilation DECA:

“Spring Bird”

Run On Sentence Kickstarter: Community Supported Music

Dustin is a rare breed. He’s got a voice that can billow and croon, writes songs full of passion, and has dry sense of humor that gives his dynamism an endearing levity. What’s more, this is a Kickstarter video the likes of which you’ve never seen before. Support his singular vision and talent.